Nini: The Wholesale Supermarket

A large wholesale supermarket in Buenos Aires wanted to attract a new retail audience. Not only wholesale sales, but also to offer a designed experience to the general customers.

supermarket screens

Project Summary

Team size: 5 participants
Duration: 5 months
Core tasks: Web & Mobile Application, Smart Shopping Cart 
Methodologies used: Business Research, Benchmarking, Usability Testing, Ideation Sessions, User Research & Discovery, User personas, User interview and usability testings, Interaction Design, Wireframes de contenido y estructura, Prototype, Visual Design, UI Guidelines, UI Kits

The results

At the end of the process, once we tested the interface usability and the efficiency of actions to complete a task, we designed the visual aspects of the UI. We selected strategically the color, fonts, composition, grids, accessibility metrics, that worked best for these products.
styles nini
searching on ninis website
nini smart shopping cart interface
How we ended up with this result?

First, getting to know the supermarket in depth

This was the Supermarket’s website where the products list was a downloadable pdf. It had repetitive information, hierarchy problems and lack of organization. 
So let’s take a look to the desktop version and mobile site: 
screen old nini site
Positive aspects
  • Best prices
  • The products are easy to find
  • Offers good discounts and promotional products
Not very positive aspects
  • Far from the city
  • The processes of parking, shopping and payment are taking too long.
  • Big amount of consumers = long lines to everything

What kind of people go to Nini?

As we had to design a new shopping experience, we should know our customers first (and really well). So we did interviews, surveys, journey maps and on. Here we have our two more representative profiles:
personas vivian
"The real value of user research comes from increasing our understanding of who our users are. "
jared spool
Jared Spool
Maker of Awesomeness at @CenterCentre/@UIE

The insights on the table

Once we had a deeper view about the supermarket, we defined the fundamental insights to continue with the ideation sessions.
(!) Time factor
It is a crucial point in the decisions of the users.
(!) Ineffective organization
It does not stimulate a pleasant or receptive experience. The journey becomes tedious and endless.
(!) Remoteness
The remoteness with the city center discourages choosing it as the first option.
(!) Lack of sense of community
It does not know its users or generate links with them.

Mission statement

Nini needs to generate a pleasant and optimized shopping experience for a new audience, because users decisively value the use of their time.

Optimize + Integrate + Learn + Collaborate

Let’s bring some ideas into life

We were thinking what we could do to design something new, a differentiator, because of being such an explored sector.
Through several tools such as brainstorming sessions, mind mapping, design idea card deck and unstructured discussions, we came out with a variety of unexpected ideas.
In order to reduce the number of queues and people in the place, we design an online shopping site where the user can simply proceed to pick up the order. This also facilitated the logistics of home delivery that the supermarket could not develop at that time.


Through the web, mobile app (iOS and Android) and smart shopping cart prototypes, usability testings were taking part with ten supermarkets real users.


Throughout this process we have seen that there are always ideas to explore, and each business is unique and the solutions conform to its characteristics.
Here with a change in logistics and the development of these physical and digital solutions we were able to find a way to respond efficiently to the initial problem.
Recurso 4